Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Back to My Question......

KI'PE'PEO (butterfly)

Okay, as the kids would tell me, I'm back on my Kipepeo Kick.  (They say I am always on some kick or another.......hmmmmm......maybe they're right.)  Anyway, we are coming back to the states soon, leaving on July 8.   http://www.kipepeodesigns.co.uk/

I am looking for 10 Ladies, from friends across the country, who want to sell these BEAUTIFUL

cards.  They are so pretty, I really think they will sell themselves!  See?

And you will have the wonderfully satisfying and joy producing knowledge that your selling the cards is TRULY HELPING 25 women (or more, if we increase sales!) who live in a horrid slum in Kenya to have dependable jobs, to feed and educate and clothe their children (they ALL have children), and to one day, help them to save enough money to MOVE OUT OF THE SLUM. 

I ask you, WHAT is better than that?  

I'll tell you:  NOTHING.


So, what are you waiting for?  

It isn't a large investment, but it will make a large difference.  And I think you'll have fun selling them. 

Please PRAY about this.  You can start with just a small number of cards and see how it goes.  If you want to give it a try, please email me in the next two weeks, so I can prepare my order and pick it up when we swing through Kenya on our way out of Africa.  (Hey, out of Africa, that would be a great name for a book or movie!  hee her)  

The paperwork and all that will be very minimal.  Email me and I'll give more details.  Bergfamilyafrica@gmail.com 

C'mon.  Weren't you just thinking yesterday, when you were doing one more load of laundry and finishing those dinner dishes that you wanted to do something new?  Wanted to reach out, but still wanted to be able to have time to take care of your family?  Well.....

Here is an easy way!  

I can't wait to hear from my TEN TERRIFIC LADIES.  I know you're out there.........

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