Saturday, July 20, 2013

So proud of my CHURCH!

WE ARE HOME.....for 5 wonderful weeks.  Last night, my mom treated us to a delicious home-cooked pot roast meal - DELICIOUS.  Afterwards, we had an Oreo and whip cream cake.  Doubly Delicious!

The day after we arrived, the great folks renting our home called to tell us our water heater had burst and quite possibly had ruined all our belongings which were being stored in the playroom.  Turned out, the water came within ONE INCH of our boxes, so our contents were fine.  The floor and walls were not.  Welcome Home!  Ha ha.  So, we are replacing that water heater and the other one, which we realized was 13 years old.  The plumber pointed out you should replace these ever 8 years.  Oops.  We also need to make some flooring decisions and other things, but will do this in a few days, when my brain catches up with the new time zone in which we are now living.

Our flight home was as seamless as could possibly be - not even a single glitch!  Amazing.

We are getting over our jet lag and just enjoying being back.  And going by and visiting our church this morning made it even more real that we were actually HOME.

This morning, 26 members of our church, Kerrville First United Methodist, left for our church's VERY FIRST GROUP MISSION TRIP!

This is so exciting, and we were so happy we could be there to see them off.  They are going to a children's home and Methodist mission in Costa Rica.  How I wanted to be heading off with them, as I took pictures of all of those happy faces on the church bus just before it rolled out of the parking lot and headed to the airport.

I am so excited for the mission opportunities awaiting each of them this week, and can't wait to hear all about their adventures and the different ways each will surely hear from and walk with God while there.

As I walked the halls of my church, grabbed a cup of coffee in the fellowship hall, used the super clean restroom, saw the signs on the wall for different Bible classes, ministry opportunities, worship services, saw pictures of this year's VBS, and just smelled the air around the place (it has a special smell somehow), my heart was filled to overflow.  It is good to be home, even though I miss our Rwandan and Congolese friends so much already, too.  

Just look at all these happy faces!!!  

The Joy of the Lord is your strength!  ~ Nehemiah 8:10

We can't wait to hear all about your adventures as you followed Jesus to Costa Rica.  Go with HIM, and bring His light with you all the way!  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, my name is Esther Carey and I'm interning with the Samaritan's Purse communications team. I've enjoyed reading about your ministry from your blog! If you would be interested in writing a guest post for the Samaritan's Purse blog, we would love to have you do that! Please contact the blog editor, Chelsea Pardue, at for more information. Thanks!
