Monday, November 4, 2013

The Rest of the Story...and A Happy Ending!

I wanted to finish a story that started several weeks ago- you can read about it here.  Click Here for "Part 1" of the Story

My patient was a young man with Fat Embolism Syndrome- severely low oxygen after a leg bone fracture. We made the dangerous transfer in order to get him to a place where  he could be supported on a ventilator. The man was literally dying in front of me. As I constantly peered into his frantic and pleading eyes over those hours together I got that nauseated feeling you have when you have done everything you can do to help but still you sense your patient's life slipping away or… so I thought. Somehow, we did make the transfer; despite the odds, the numerous glitches and fighting all the way to keep his oxygen level barely compatible with life.

Weeks later, I got news that he had recovered and even had left the hospital; I wondered how he was doing, really. So when he walked into the clinic smartly dressed, sporting his crutches and his new bride, my heart jumped! I barely recognized this handsome and vigorous young man. 

The reunion was emotional and we immediately embraced. We held that embrace longer than you should in Rwanda and then, as we looked at each other closely, eye to eye, I saw now they sparkled- full of life; the pleading, dimming helpless fear had vanished. I am not a crying sort of guy and in Rwanda men don't show emotion that way either but both of us had tears in our eyes. 

Meanwhile back to reality, the OR staff was prodding and reminding me that there was a patient waiting in the OR. It is not very often one has the privilege of really saving someone's life and so I stopped for a moment. Looking at him there all smiles with his new bride and proud sister, I savored the moment. I hope I won't ever forget that moment, that happy reunion. 


And what about the LEG?  It is healing well, despite a badly comminuted fracture!  

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