Sunday, October 27, 2013

At the hospital

Meet Sandine (age 8) and her brother, 

Oliver, age 10.  Their big sister, Gabrielle, age 15, is taking care of them. They were hit by a motorcycle while walking on the road a few days ago. Sandine's arm is broken, but Tim hasn't had a chance to cast it yet. Oliver's injuries were much more serious. He has been unconscious since the accident. 

Gabrielle told me today that their mom died of sickness two years ago. Their dad is working to get money to pay for the hospital, so she and her 20 year old sister are caring for their siblings in the hospital. The blessings of a big family! They can all help each other out. Please pray for these kids - especially Oliver - he has a long road of healing ahead of him. 

My friend from US sent these beanie babies to me. I was going to save them for Christmas presents for kids, but decided to give them out now.  They bring such smiles!! 

Here is another sweet girl. Rosa is ten years old and about the size of a six year old. She takes such good care if her baby sister! She was really excited when I gave her a beanie baby. She assumed it was for her sister, but when I explained it was for HER, oh how excited she was! 

We also have some other prayer requests: 

Tim is operating without an OR light for a while as the light broke, after 18 years of faithful service, a few weeks ago. He has to use a headlamp, like the kind night hikers use. This isn't really bright enough. Not having good lighting is difficult. A new light has been ordered, thanks to our friends, the Loverings, from our home church, who paid for a new one. But it will take about another month til it arrives. Please pray for Tim's back, his eyesight and all the surgeries as we wait for the new light. 

Also, the men's ward is overcrowded with patients, as surgeries are now taking longer due to the poor lighting. Last Thursday, the male patients were three to a bed. The beds are more like glorified cots, so you really can't imagine how crowded that is. Please pray for help in this area. Just pray how you feel led, because I really don't even know what to ask you to pray! 

Thanks for reading.....and thanks for praying for us. 


  1. As usual when I see one of your posts, I am so overwhelmed by what you and Dr. Tim are doing. I've been doing Christmas shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse for a few years now so I am always buying little items throughout the year for children--see, I have an excuse for my after holidays shopping sprees! Anyhow, I have quite a stockpile and would love to send some to you. If you can e-mail me as to how I can send them to you, I will go through my "stash" and let you know what kinds of things I have available. Will you be able to see my e-mail with this comment? If not, let me know and I will send it to you. Theresa Ross

    1. Hi Theresa! Thanks so much! I can't see your email, so you can mail it to me at if you want. Meanwhile, I would recommend emailing my friend, Jackie Adams, who just recently successfully mailed us a package of Beanie Babies! They came in record time! We just them on Saturday and she didn't mail them until September. Yay! Her email . Please be patient in getting her answer, though, as she works more than full time and also is about to get married! So she is a "little" busy these days! :) But whatever she says to do, do it. Her package came faster than anyone's so far. Also, Jackie, is you see this comment, if you want to comment below as to the best way to mail things, then I will actually make it a POST on the blog so people can refer to it whenever they want.

  2. Is it possible to send items directly to you? I have lots of items for children on hand since I do Christmas shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse every year and always shop the after holidays sales for toys, clothing, school supplies, etc. I would love to share some with the children at the hospital. Theresa Ross (in Ingram)

  3. I mailed them US Postal Service international Priority. it is a bit pricy, but they have flat rate boxes and you can do all the paperwork (including customs forms) online and print it all out.

  4. I mailed it US Postal Service International Priority. it is a bit pricy, but they have flat rate boxes and you can fill out the customs forms and mailing label online.
