Thursday, August 29, 2013

We're Home!

Or did we just leave home? Hmmm. 

Well, at any rate, we did safely land in Nairobi two nights ago. 

At times like this, when I feel at home nowhere and everywhere all at the same time, I'm reminded of Colossians 3:20 where God's word reminds me that my citizenship is not in Texas or Rwanda, but in Heaven. Heaven is where my roots are, Heaven is where I belong and where I'm going, and Jesus, the maker of Heaven, is Who I live for. Period. 

I'm grateful that God can help a girl get her bearings again when her emotional and spiritual GPS gets turned around. Not that I'm naming any names - but sometimes some missionaries get a tad out or sorts after so much traveling and leaving kids behind at seemingly every turn. 

Tomorrow at 7 am, we leave the mission guest house and take Stephen and Ruthie to Rift Valley Academy. 

It's a great school. I'm happy for them. But I must say, I never, ever dreamed I'd ever have kids in boarding school. Wasn't that what that mean, nastyBaroness  wanted to do in the Sound of Music? I always wanted to be more like Maria, not the Baroness! 

Tim and I have a saying we often quote to one another at times like this. It comes from a play we watched during our first year of marriage. It showed in the Flat Rock Playhouse in the hills of North Carolina - but I can't remember which play it was. 

I wonder if anyone reading this post will recognize the play from whence it comes?  The saying we quote, always with a grin and a twinkle in our eyes is, "Chin up! Stiff upper lip! Muddle through!!" 

That may sound like the opposite of grace to you, like its all about us being rough and tough enough to make it - and well, maybe it is. But it still makes us smile when things are hard to remember that moment when we laughed together at that playhouse during that silly scene so long ago. 

So tomorrow, I will try to remember: 

Chin up!
Stiff upper lip!
Muddle through!! 

And I'll also remember Ruthie's favorite Bible verse, Philippians 4:13: "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me."  And I'll also try to DO one of mine, I Peter 5:7: "cast all your anxiety on Him, for He cares for you." 

1 comment:

  1. I believe the play is "Crazy for You". We saw it in New York City about 1994.
    Now you can stop driving yourself crazy! 8-)
