Monday, May 6, 2013

Teaching Time

Hannah begins teaching some of the men in a daytime English class today - taking over where Stephen left off on his last break.  She, Ruthie and Sam already teach the night guards, but today she adds the afternoon class as well.

Is it possible to have Spring Fever in a place where it is ALWAYS Spring?  I'm thinking the answer is YES.  Every year, I've found it difficult to maintain the school pace once standardized testing is over and baseball season is in full swing.  This year, I don't have baseball to blame ~ but I find myself restless, anyway, and not wanting to finish the year!  Guess this means I can still relate to my USA teaching counterparts, whether in a traditional school, or home school moms:  We've all had it and are ready for summer!

Sometimes I make a countdown chart to help keep us all on track, and give us hope of that light at the end of the tunnel.  I'm thinking I may make one of those tonight for our classroom.

Not too much news to report here.  A young family, the Fergusons, came to Kibogora this past week for a break from their busy lives as Pastor Teachers in Kigali.  They had the cutest little girls!  Watching Kevin and Tiffany with their 5 and 2 year olds brought Tim and I back to those young years of parenting!  It's busy!  They joined us for our English church service on the compound last night, and it was nice to have another family in the midst of us.

I'll leave you with some Mama and Baby pics from the hospital.  I never grow tired of these smiling faces.....

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