Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Guinea Pigs

On Monday, our kids graciously volunteered to be guinea pigs for the new University!   The first nursing class to come through needed subjects for their clinical skills testing, which lasted from 8 am - 3:30 p.m.  Each student had to take Hannah's blood pressure, put Ruthie's arm in a sling, and help Sam in and out of his bed and into a chair.  They did well!  

The nursing students came in groups of 7 at a nervous!  But they did very well!

Sam, waiting for his next student to "help" him out of bed.  Doesn't he look infirm?  :)  That's Janet, the
Vice Rector of the University, and a PHD nurse who was running the testing, peeking in on him from
behind the dividing curtain.  

You can't tell from this picture, but Ruthie was quite sunburned after swimming in Lake Kivu half the day Sunday -
so she didn't have to pretend to be in pain as they put her arm in the sling over and over!

Tensely waiting for the bell to signal their entrance into the next testing area. 

Hannah waiting for the students to take her blood pressure -- again!  She said it was different, just by a few numbers, every time!  

Sam is wondering, "If this is a hospital, why can't I watch Nick?  Where's the TV?"  


  1. Please send us information on how to make a small donation. My email is and we live in Kerrville and attend First Methodist

  2. Thank you, Judy! So sorry it took me so long to write you back. I have GOT to figure a way to better communicate with people! :)
