Monday, March 18, 2013

Buy This Book!

The college counselor at Stephen's school this year, Rift Valley Academy, has just had his first book published.  It's called "A Dream So Big", and it's about, well, a Big Dream! 

If you read no other books this year, read this one. Here is the story of an ordinary American family who are making a BIG difference in the lives of many schoolchildren in Kenya.  Here is inspiration that we can all make a difference, wherever God has called us to be.  Here is the story of incredible pain and suffering transformed into service and compassion for others.  

Here are some blog post reviews of "A Dream So Big".  Read on, please.....

And don't forget to order your copy today!  To order, just click here.  This is for the hardback copy.

Click here to order your kindle copy.

Here are the reviews:



Read enough?  I didn't think so......

So, what are you waiting for?  Go order it!  

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