Sunday, November 24, 2013

Amazing, but TRUE!


Last year, Ruthie overheard Tim and I praying that God would put it on some other people's hearts to come and join this work - that some other medical people would hear and respond to God calling them to come and help.

Well, evidently, she told her friend, Macy......who started praying about specifically coming to Rwanda to help us.  Macy had already felt God calling her to missions.  Only problem was, Macy was 14.  So, if she was coming, then her family would need to be coming, too!  Since her mom is a nurse, and since Ruthie told Macy that her Dad said we had a critical need for more nurses........well, Ruthie and Macy both started praying.

In addition to the need for medical help, the mission compound, which serves as a much needed guest-house for the region, really needed extra management to relieve nurse Julie of part of her added responsibilities.  She runs the NICU at our hospital, which is already MORE than a full time job.  Add to that the fact that she oversees maintenance, hospitality (something I'd love to begin to help more with myself), bookings, visas for short term people, and a million other things related to the running of the compound, and she is one overworked missionary.  The Lands saw her posting for a need for help in this area, and it fits Regan's skill set perfectly.  He will help in a variety of ways - from helping the carpenters/mechanics/electricians, to whatever else Julie needs to train him to take off her shoulders.

Their coming is going to be such a blessing.

All I can say is, God heard their prayers and He moved!  Guess what?  Macy's parents heard God's call - and they answered.  And all we can say is, Thank you.  Thank you to the Lands for listening and responding with a life changing YES.  And thank you, Lord, for calling them.

They arrive in April, and we can't wait.

Please read their blog post below.

 Click Here to Read the Land's Blog

1 comment:

  1. We are soooo excited to be joining y'all in April! It is amazing how God works! We are blessed to have such wonderful children! We can't wait to see y'all!
