Friday, May 31, 2013

What a difference a DAY makes! (And a night of sleep helps a lot, too!)

May 29, 2013
Noon, Nairobi time

After my rant yesterday over all the things that went wrong the last couple days, today is a NEW day!

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

    his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
~ Lamentations 3:22-23

His Mercies Never Come to an End!

For instance.......

A.  We SLEPT well last night.  All three of us.  Sam said it is the best night of sleep he has had in a month.

B. Miraculously enough, Tim and Hannah somehow were still allowed to take the "sold out" flight to Kigali this morning.  Therefore, they made their connection to Nairobi, and as I write this post, they are on their way to meet us at the guest house! Yippee!

C.  I took my broken computer to the repair shop this morning (we don't have any apple stores or repair places in Rwanda) and the man thinks he can fix it within the week!  Yippee Again!

D.  While on my way to the computer repair shop, I spied a beauty shop.  It looked legit.  As in, I might still have hair when I left if I went in there.   "Hmmmm.......Should I, or shouldn't I?"  I mused.  It has been 14 months since my last haircut and I have been really feeling (and looking) like the frumpy homeschool-mom/missionary lately.  Kinda depressing.

Well, I did it!  I went in.  They washed my hair (oh, how niiiiiiice that was!) and gave me a whole new cut!  I just told the lady, "Please do something to help me not look so old and frumpy!"  And this is what she did.  I love it!

Here is what I looked like before:

And here I am after my trip to the beauty shop.  Pretty good, eh? 

Okay, well, um, er, actually......maybe that's not really me.  But still, I love my new 'do.  Amazing what going to get a hair cut can do for an attitude!  Here's the real Linda down below.  Guess I can safely say I fall somewhere in between the two above pics.  :)  

This silly hair cut news is NOTHING compared to the last and best mercy of the day!  Here it is......Mercy "E""

E.  Today is Stephen Berg's 17th birthday and we get to go see him to tell him Happy Birthday in person!  Yippee!  Yippee!  Yippee!  We are leaving to go to Rift Valley Academy to give him his birthday hugs as soon as Tim and Hannah arrive at the Guest House.  Can't wait, Can't wait, Can't wait.

His Mercies really are new EVERY morning, especially THIS morning!  Hope you have a great day, too.

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