Saturday, September 15, 2012

Consider it ALL JOY.....

So many of the Christians I meet here, around or in Kibogora Hospital, teach me MUCH about this verse:

Consider it PURE JOY, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." - James 1:2-4

And this one:

"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."  - Romans 5:2b-5


One night about a month or so ago,  Ruthie and I were in the pediatric surgery ward after dark.  We'd been coloring, reading and playing for a few hours, and it was past time to go home.  As I packed up my little knapsack of toys, one mom realized we were leaving.  She looked at me, folded her hands as if in prayer, and asked me, in words I didn't know, to please pray for her child before we left.  I knelt by the child's bedside and prayed for God to heal him, for Him to guide Tim in providing the boy's care, for comfort and encouragement for this exhausted mom, and for the family.  I said "Amen", and was surprised to hear the entire room (at least 50 people) echo reverently and loudly, "AMEN", after me.  Then, mom after mom, or caregiver after caregiver, took me by the hand and led me to her child, making the same motion with her hands, asking me to pray for her little one.  We ended up staying in the ward much longer, praying for each of these little patients.  Never mind that they could not understand our language; they knew the One to whom we prayed.  And they knew that He was their child's only hope.

They were filled with so much joy after I prayed for them all.  I had an idea.  I wondered if they knew some of my favorite hymns in their language, and if I could get them to sing them with me?  I started singing Amazing Grace first, thinking if they knew any of the hymns I knew, it would surely be this one.  Sure enough, after one or two lines, many of the moms, and many of the children, joined in the hymn, singing in beautiful harmony in KinyaRwanda.  They were lifting their hands in praise, probably waking up others in nearby rooms.  It was beautiful.  After that song, I would start another one - sometimes they knew it, sometimes they did not.  We ended up finding 6 or 7 hymns that we had in common.

All of this time, in the midst of their children suffering with serious illness, everyone in that room was filled with JOY overflowing.  It was a holy moment I will not soon forget.  I was comfortable at the time  - it was easy for me to feel joy.  But many of these people hadn't eaten in a good while - many didn't know if their child would recover - most didn't have a comfortable place to sleep that night, or for many nights before that.  Most didn't know where they would get the money to pay their (small) hospital bill when they were discharged.  Many had other children at home - for some, an entire day's or more walk away - and they had no way to know if they were okay.  Yet, they were full of God's JOY.  Just remembering how much God loved them, remembering they were in His hands, remembering that Jesus had come to save them - that was enough to bring JOY into their lives.

They didn't need to feel comfortable, or full, or financially secure or to have enough sleep to feel this JOY.

I like to think that my JOY also comes only from the Lord, and at times like that night, I know it is true.

But so often, every day in fact, I forget.  I get off track and think I need to chase other things, mistakenly thinking that they will give me joy.  I need my shoes to fit well and comfortably, I need my morning coffee, I need breakfast, lunch and dinner, I need my children and husband to be well, I need to be well, I need to hear from my oldest daughter and son, who are living away from us now, I need my parents to be healthy. My list can get quite long.  At least Gollum from Lord of the Rings had only one thing he thought he needed to give him joy - I have about 30.  

The truth is, I don't need them.  The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.......

I only need HIM.  He can give me JOY, despite my circumstances.  With Him is JOY.  To lose Him, yet have everything else in the world, is to lose it all.

The believers here in my little corner of the world have taught me, and continue to teach me about Joy.  I am grateful.  

1 comment:

  1. THanks for all your postings, Linda . . . I am so glad we met you while at Kibogora and am praying for you all. Jen Becker
