Thursday, September 20, 2012

Brooklyn Update ~ Thanks for praying!

Here is the latest on Brooklyn and her sweet, amazing, brave family!

Update: 9/19 from Pastor Jeff - 9:35am, London. Brooklyn rested very well. Surgeon just came by. Platelet levels now normal. Kidney function continued to improve. Surgeon was very positive. Reminded us (as if we didn't know) that based on the level of platelets that B required that she had been in a very, very critical situation. Brooklyn is sitting up for the first time and eating a little on her own, even putting a few sentences together. More to come.

Update 9/19, 5:30 p.m. London - Although Brooklyn's strength and energy levels are still extremely low, she has made significant improvement today. The first thing that Brooklyn said this morning, looking at growing lineup of stuffed animals was, "Look at all my Teddy's!" She has definitely gotten stronger during the day and much more comfortable after losing one of her catheters that was causing her all kinds of grief. In fact, she has actually gotten quite feisty, which is pretty amusing unless you're her parents. This morning she was pointing in the general direction of up and saying something like "bear." I said, "Yeah, it's a bear," looking at the card high on her wall. Trying to show off her fluorescent lights above her bed that intermittently change colors, she snapped, "No, not 'bear', up there." Her nurse, Sally, a true Brit, later told Brooklyn only half-jokingly, "Don't get cross with me." That girl's got some fight in her - obviously.

The doctors have scheduled her next surgery for Thursday evening at 6:00pm, when they will take the next step in closing the wound on her arm. Today they have been trying to get Brooklyn to eat and drink as much as possible, which will be vital for her continued progress. The care at the Harley Street Clinic has been exceptional. Last evening, a local visitor who dropped off a care package for Brooklyn, told me that when someone in the royal family gets sick, this is where they come.

Update for our Pastor: London. Wednesday, 9-19, 10:20pm. (Hanging out with sleeping Sam while Brent and Court are together at the hospital)

Tonight I was reading a book to Sam and the very first page started like this: Heroes: There are many heroes throughout the galaxy who fight for justice. They defend innocent people from ruthless villains and corrupt leaders. They want the galaxy to be a free and safe place for everyone. Heroes will do anything to rescue their friends - even put themselves in danger. We went on to learn all about Han Solo, Princess Leia, Master Obi-Wan, Luke Skywalker, a boy called Anakin, and, of course, Yoda (I did more learning and Sam did more teaching), but the entire time my mind was stuck back on that definition and, under the circumstances, how perfectly it applies to our friends suffering here in London.

Brooklyn still isn't eating as much as everybody would like to see, but this is such a different level of concern than we were dealing with 48 hours ago, and even yesterday. Tonight the kidney doctor gave a definitive diagnosis (HUS - Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome), a very serious disease, but also indicated that she has "turned the corner", that her kidneys are functioning much better, and that they will likely return to normal! Praise God. The doctor who is performing the surgeries on Brooklyn's arm, also confirmed that none of the muscle groups in her arm have been compromised and that there is no evidence of necrotic tissue. A nurse said tonight after he looked at the pictures taken during surgery that he is very surprised to see no complications in a situation like hers.

Everything is pointing to a full recovery for Brooklyn. Can you believe it!? And, at the same time, it might be hard for you all to wrap your minds around the depth of the trauma that these folks have endured - physical, emotional, and spiritual. In many ways that healing will take much longer than the time it takes for Brooklyn to return to her old self and regain use of her arm. So, would you join me in asking Jesus, our Great Physician, Treasure, and only Hope, to lavish the Orranges with his grace and healing? Pray for Brent and Courtney as they begin to unpack the personal impact of the last 10 days on their own lives. Pray for unity and wisdom as they begin to think about what the future holds. (I want to plead with you to withhold your opinions and/or sharing your own personal experiences for the time being). Pray for Sam, that he wouldn't get lost in the craziness and that God would protect his heart. Obviously, continue to pray for Brooklyn. She is still in intensive care, has not eaten hardly anything in days, has not yet made it out of bed, and is still very fragile.

Several times I have heard Brent, reflecting on the way that his daughter fought for her life, say, "Brooklyn is my hero." I completely agree. And, at the same time, I want to expand that distinction to the entire Orrange family, who responded to God's call to fight for justice, defend the innocent, and work for freedom and Shalom, even when it meant putting themselves in danger.

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Bible. Apostle Paul in the Book of Philippians, verses 4-7).

Gracious Father, we trust that you know what you're doing in every situation, including this one. Give us eyes to see your beauty and love, and to rest in your strong arms. Protect our hearts and our minds. I pray that you would act redemptively through this situation and that many would find you, Jesus, to be their all-satisfying Treasure - true freedom, rest, and peace, and join with you in your passion for justice. Thank you, Jesus, not only for putting yourself in danger for us, but for dying in our place so that we might have life in you. We pray these things for the sake of your beautiful name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I reminded my campaigners girls about praying for B and her family!!! This post is so amazing! God is good but we are still praying for all these things!
