Monday, May 1, 2017


 Well, at the risk of being judged for the rotten missionaries we are.......I want to start this blog up again with the announcement that we are ON VACATION in the Seychelles, soaking up sun, surf, good food, and all-too-rare uninterrupted time together ❤︎ this week, so that we can celebrate the fact that God has kept us together, mostly happily, for 25 YEARS!!!!  AMAZING, BUT TRUE!

 We want to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to the friends (who shall be nameless, as requested!) who sponsored this trip for us.  We couldn't have gone without your support, of course!  Thank you very much.  And, hey - we are thinking of making this an annual thing, so......(just kidding, again!)

More pics to follow.  But, we are obviously having a wonderful time and are feeling like kids.  Vacations are the best!  Thank you!

As we reflect on the last 25 years (only 26 years of knowing each other - quick courtship!) ....

I also want to give a big "SHOUT OUT" OF PRAISE to God, the only one who could take two totally broken, as in dashed against the rocks kind of broken, people, knit them together into ONE, and somehow, by his amazing sense of humor, unending grace and faithfulness, mercy and neverending kindness to us -- he kept us together all this time, and kept us loving each other, too!

Through Him bringing us together, we have matured, learned patience, been humbled over and over,  and had such FUN and ADVENTURES together.

And, as if that wasn't enough, through this marriage He arranged, God gave us FIVE AMAZING CHILDREN!  

And, as if THAT wasn't enough......He let us live in 4 AMAZING COUNTRIES!  (USA, BANGALORE, INDIA* (only for 2 months - but still amazing), RWANDA, AND NOW KENYA)

He saw us through sickness and health, strife and unity, confusion and clarity, joy and pain, fun times and hard times, financial plenty and more stretching times.......

All I can say when I reflect back on it all is, God has given me so much more than I ever dreamed or hoped for and, even with the pain we've endured at times, Yes, I'd do it all over again - in a heartbeat.

I am so thankful for all He has done.

This post is dedicated to my one and only -- Tim Berg.  Here's to you, Tim B!  I love you! Happy Anniversary!

Now, off to the beach!

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