Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How to give Bibles ~ AND ~ Thank you so much!!

To all who said they would help with Bibles at our hospital, here is a BIG SHOUT-OUT to you all!  If you wrote to tell me you want to give to the Bible Fund, and your name is NOT on this list, that means that somehow I didn't get your message.  So, please, please let me know again through either Facebook post or message, a comment to this blog post or an email to bergfamilyafrica@gmail.com.  

Two of our amazing, compassionate, wise, devoted and JOYFUL chaplains, Tamara and Wacana.
They were so excited when I told them of this new fund yesterday!  They can't wait to go to
Kigali to get the new Bibles!  Right now, the only ones they have are in English, which only helps the
few people who can speak English, and most of the English speakers are financially well off enough to buy their own Bibles, anyway.  The Study Bible in the picture came from a Dentist and his wife who visited last year - they bought 2 Study Bibles in English for Tamara so she can study God's Word, and so she can improve her English at the same time! This was Tamara's only request of her dentist friends, and she was simply glowing when I finally got to deliver them.  

Thanks again, everyone!  Because of you, our chaplains' office will be abundantly filled with God's Word once again.  I am so grateful!  (Directions for how to donate below.....)

Leta Faucett Smith
Ann Muller Strawn
Liz Vakey
Annette Ford Harper
Carla Land
Henry Knocke
Du Anne Hamby
Gary and Wendy Anderson
Jan & Earl Merritt
Carol & John Dunkel
Jeannette Dobson
Elaine Doyle
Jana Camp Herrera
Carolyn Reich Cochrane
Jacqueline Adams Milam
Bethany Sleet

Okay, you amazing people, you've been patiently waiting for me to give you donation instructions.  To give to the fund, simply go to this website: 

Click to Give to Bible Fund

Type in "Berg, Timothy" in the "support a doctor" box.  You may have to scroll down just a bit to see this box on the bottom left.  Type in the amount you want to give to the fund, and follow the simple directions to process your payment.  

IMPORTANT!  After you've done this, please either email me, facebook message me and tell me the exact amount you gave for the fund.  I postponed telling you how to donate before, because I was hoping to be able to set up a separate account for the fund.  However, I don't think this is possible without taking a good deal of time to set it up on Samaritan's Purse end, and as most of you probably know, they are just a "little" busy this time of year with all those Christmas shoebox donations! (Yes, we currently serve with the same people who do the Christmas shoebox thing.  How cool is that?  But, that's another story....)  SO, if you will trust me to use the money for Bibles, this will still work.  

I just need to know how much you donated, and then I will tally up everyone's donations (to the penny!) for Bibles and give that cash to Pastor Wacana to go to the Rwanda Bible Society in Kigali to purchase the Bibles, tracts and New Testaments.  Heck, this is so exciting, I may even go to Kigali with him to get the Bibles!  When this is done, I will let you know how many of each we were able to purchase.  Each whole Bible costs $5, and of course the New Testaments and tracts are much less than that.  

Thanks again, y'all.  You're the BEST!  

PS.  This worked so well - - letting you know of a specific need here -the response was so much bigger than I expected!  I just may start telling you faithful blog readers more regularly about other things, such as surgical gloves, morphine, antibiotics & whatnot when they run out.  What do you think of that?  Would this come off as a drain - to hear about stuff needed all the time - or would it be helpful, so you could know how to participate in this mission?  I'd love to hear your thoughts......

1 comment:

  1. Linda,
    I think it would be wonderful to know of the specific needs! I love hearing about the opportunities in your adopted land. Keep 'em coming!
