Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bibles Needed

Chances are, if you're reading this,  you have one, or many of these in your home. Or if not, you know where to go to get one - and you have the resources to do so. 

Well, I went down to the chaplain's office of our hospital yesterday, and discovered that our tireless, devoted chaplain team is completely out of Kinyarwanda Bibles to give to patients. On average, about 12 folks a month request a Bible - and normally we have them in stock. But the fund for buying more is empty. 

Normally, our chaplains keep Kinyarwanda New Testaments, entire Bibles and also short pamphlets for kids and others which explain the basic message of God's love and desire for them and their lives.  But they have none of these right now.

This is just unacceptable. Being out of these resources is just as serious a problem as being out of morphine, suture or an OR light! 

This hospital exists and was founded to help restore people to health in JESUS' name, and to bring glory to HIM.  Providing medicine for the soul - for those who want it - is imperative, even as we seek to provide medicine for the body. 

So I am asking if you would prayerfully consider contributing to the Kibogora Hospital Bible fund. Each Bible costs 3,000 francs, or about $5 USD. We get them in Kigali at the Rwandan Bible Society. 

To send money for this fund, simply comment below or email me at, and I will tell you how. 

"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." - Psalm 119:105

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