Hi! We are Prince and Star. Our people are leaving us soon. They say we are wonderful. We need a new temporary home. Is there room in your heart for us? We will give more love back than you could imagine! And Prince will scare away any and all would-be invaders of your home (though he won't bite or eat them). I, Star, will just wag my tail at the postman and UPS guy - so no help there from me. We will be your forever friends! Please let us live with you for a year!!! We would be eternally grateful, and we will bring you dead squirrels forever and lay them at your feet, along with licking you and jumping up on your nice church clothes each Sunday as a tribute to our love and thankfulness. |
Oops! Looks like I've been hacked! Who knew my dogs knew how to open up our blog and post such a request? I guess they're getting desperate. I can understand why, though. Sixty-five days until we leave, and Prince and Star are still wondering where they will be living after June 20! It's time to start prayin' for our Canine Companions, folks. If you have room in your heart and home for either a sweet Black Lab or a die-hard-loyal Black-Mouth Cur (in other words, a mutt of regal ancestry), please let us know! We'd actually LOVE IT if they could stay together, because they are such buds.....but if they have to be separated, we can live with that. They'd be better in the country, where they could run.....but they've been city dogs their whole lives, so that could work, too. The only thing that wouldn't work is if they went to a home with chickens. We've had chickens numerous times, and each time they ended up being a snack for Star and Prince. Sometimes we kept them safe for weeks, sometimes 6 months, but it always ended the same, and very badly for the chickens. So, if you are a chicken person, you don't want Prince nor Star.
We must find a good home(s) for these two family members. It would be an added bonus if it was with a home school family who had people home to love them during the day, or with an older couple who were home to love them. The next option would be a family with kids who are busy during the day at school, but who could love on them at night. Lastly would be a working couple who are rarely home - I'm afraid our dogs would go crazy with too little human interaction. They are used to our home, which is Grand Central Station. (There are almost always extra kids here from the neighborhood.....someone is always available to scratch a back, throw a treat, you name it.)
These two neutered guys bring such joy to each of us. Okay, to most of us. Tim's not such a fan, actually, nor is Hannah. But to Stephen, Ruthie, Sam and me.....these dogs are our friends. Would someone like to take them in next year? Anyone? They are house trained, but Prince does lick a lot (we call him "Prince Licks-a-Lot"), and they love to escape and run around the golf course. We rarely actually bathe them, they don't need to be brushed, and they'd probably escape a lot less if they were walked regularly. In other words, these guys are really low maintenance. They just love to be loved. They are great companions. They listen when you need to talk. They cuddle when you want to cuddle. They're awesome, and they need a family to love while we're gone. Please think about it? How can you say no to these faces? Thanks for reading!
Star the Wonder Dog |
Prince Licks-A-Lot |
Charlie Boxer wishes they could live with us. However, I think 3 dogs in the house might be too much. Hope and pray someone helps you with this.
ReplyDeleteLove and Prayers,