Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen, Indeed!
Our family on Easter morning at First United Methodist Church: L-R: Hannah (17), Ruthie (13), Stephen (15), Tim, Sam (11) & Linda
Like every other holiday so far since we decided to go to Rwanda last July......Easter was extra special and more than a little poignant this year. The Easter service at church couldn't have been more meaningful or special for us, and the tears just kept flowing down both of our faces as we heard the beautiful organ music, sang along with the Halleuluia chorus, listened to Bob's great sermon and thought of all the people we would miss from our church next year.
Every year, my parents take us to Easter Brunch at Tapateio Springs in Boerne after church.
It is always a special occasion, and this year was no different. What a special treat this afternoon was for all of us! Saturday night, we decorated eggs. |

And before church, we had an Easter Egg hunt. Even though everyone is getting a little old to be decorating and hunting eggs, the kids humored me and went ahead and participated one more year for "old times' sake". We hadn't decorated eggs in a couple years, nor hunted them, and it was so fun for me to watch them 'one more time' before our oldest leaves the nest.
Even Jack-Jack got in on the action, when Tim took his annual picture of Ruthie in front of the Ruthie-Rose Bush. It was an awesome Easter!
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