Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Where am I?

Stephen and Ruthie settled in nicely at RVA, and Hannah is learning her way around college - thriving, actually! - at Mary Hardin Baylor.  Below is a picture of her from the local newspaper.  I think the article was about about what kids wear at the college or something like that.

She has joined the choir and the new string ensemble at the school, so along with her classes, she has a pretty busy semester ahead!

That leaves Tim, Samuel and me. Tim returned to Rwanda after the RVA new student orientation - with an extra day spent in Nairobi in order to bring birthday flowers to a certain sweet-as-pie high school freshman.  

He dove back into his work with a vengeance - including the repair of a sweet 12 year old's broken knee and treatment of our beloved Deste (see many previous posts about Deste from last year) who returned to Kibogora with a severe case of malaria. 
Honestly, I don't know how he does it!!

A little burn victim ~ the open fire "stoves" in most the houses just aren't safe for children.

Deste and his devoted Aunt Jeanne - Jeanne has lost weight
as she has been caring for her sick little nephew 24/7.  


That leaves Sam and me. Sam stayed in the USA with friends when Tim, Stephen, Ruthie and I returned to Kenya August 25th to take Ruthie and Stephen to school. When Tim returned to Rwanda, I returned to USA to meet back up with Sam.  we will start his homeschool program with good Internet here in the USA on September 16.  (Once we get the new system down, we hope to be able to manage better in the land of S-L-O-W Internet.) Also, we decided to have Sam and I in States a little longer because we wanted at least PART of our family to be here for Hannah's freshman "family weekend" at UMHB on Oct 4-6.

So, Sam and I are going to serve as family reps at that event, and then we will fly to Africa on the 7th. 

With all this travel, I find myself waking up in the morning and the middle of the night wondering, "Where am I"? It often takes a few minutes for me to remember the correct answer!

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