Friday, August 30, 2013

Surreal - this year vs last

Sitting in the New Parent Orientation for Ruth Berg. Wasn't it just 5 minutes ago that I sat here, scared to death, leaving Stephen here as a new student? And how am I enjoying being here this time, 12 months later, when I was so disoriented and flipped out last year? 

I saw and hugged Becky when I saw her, feeling like she was a long lost friend - actually I just met her when she sat behind me last year at this meeting. 

The drive to RVA this year felt comfortable and familiar - last year, the road seemed bumpier, crazier, dustier and scarier. 

When a bus was turned over on the road (not OUR bus, thankfully!!) and there was a small riot in the road along the way, and when one of our school busses was delayed because a policeman stopped it and wouldn't allow it to proceed, it all seemed normal and casual - familiar and fine. Last year, with two weeks in Africa under our belts, I assure you, it would not have felt "fine" to me! (The school had to send another bus, which took about an hour - but we all enjoyed another cup of delicious Kenyan coffee as we waited, so it was all good!)

Pulling up to the school felt like coming Home this time, rather than like I was abandoning my precious child into the arms of an evil alien. 

Last year, everything in me screamed, "No! NO! NO! I cannot do this! I should not do this!" 

 I admit I burst into tears and sobbed on the drive here today, with Ruth holding me as my shoulders shook, and reassuring me that everything would be okay. 

But even so, as I sit here this year, I can say that my nerves are much calmer and my gut now is reassuring me that "YES, Linda, this is right. This is where she belongs. This is where Ruthie and Stephen will receive the educations they need and deserve, where they will make lifelong friendships and where they will grow in independence and will become their own people. 

I'm so proud of them and I'm thankful for this wonderful school. 

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