Tuesday, August 6, 2013


My apologies that I haven't been keeping up to date on the blog!

Front (and sort of middle) Row:  L-R:  Dorothy, Gray, Patsy, Carol, Nicole, Jennifer, Hayden, Sam, Lance, Lindsey, Mikey, ruthie, Becca, Ann, Austin, Rachel, LaVerne and Karen.
Back Row:  L-R: Pike, Linda, Hannah, Tim, Matt, Lily, Hunter, STEVE MULLER, Scott, Carol-Jean and Mike.  

We are still in Texas, and have been running a mile-a-minute since we hit the ground.  Doctor appointments, Dental appointments and cavities/cleaning done, a mini-high school reunion for me, visiting friends/family/church and registering Hannah for college (University of Mary Hardin Baylor!  Whoop!).  Still to come:  A church lunch in our honor, taking Stephen on a mini-whirlwind tour of a few schools, including A&M, Baylor and Stanford, an early birthday party for Ruthie, since her birthday is officially on the first day of school at her new school, which is two day's travel and a country away from us, where she will know no one except her senior brother, another visit to my parent's church, a visit to another Methodist church for a brief missions report, move in day at UHMB for Hannah, a trip to Target for college dorm supplies for Hannah, sending our passports to the Kenyan embassy to get year long visas (which saves a lot of money over having to get a temporary visa each time we pick up the kids on their term breaks), making SURE we make time to see a few precious and dear friends who we still haven't seen (cough:  Jenny&Denny Pierce, Claytons, Peltons, Simpsons.....),  purchasing health insurance and other insurance and oh gee, I'm sure I'm forgetting something!

It's been a wonderful trip home, but I must say I am a little tired and overwhelmed.  I'm not juggling it all as well as I hoped I would.

The highlight so far has definitely been my Dad's party.  Mom outdid herself and threw such a wonderful celebration for her husband of 56 years!

I will post highlight pics below.   So many dear friends turned out to celebrate with him and to show him how much he is loved.  One of the coolest things was my cousin and her three boys came, all the way from Atlanta!  I hadn't seen those boys since they were toddlers.  Now they are 17, 14 and 10.  Wow, it was great to see her.  Also,  other cousins came - two of whom are engaged - one is getting married Aug 24 and the other next Spring.  It was so neat to get to see them all.  The next morning, she also hosted a brunch for all the out-of-towners who came so far to attend the party.  We enjoyed catching up with old friends at both events. Below are a bunch of pictures that will be sure to bore anyone not directly related to me.  Just skip all these!  :)

My Dad (on the right) with his little brother, Alan, on the left. 

Ruthie, "Papa", and cousin Mikey! 

Little Sister Ann and me

The best school nurse ever, Nurse Ruede, and Ann

Ann, Nurse Ruede and me

My "Other Mother", Pat Chapman

Mary and Robin Shaw and me - if you've ever heard the song "A country boy can survive", by Hank Williams, Jr, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNjzEdns_k4, then you will know Robin.  I am pretty sure that he was the actual subject of this song.  :) 

Cousin Pike, Dorothy (Gray's fiance!), Karen (Mike's beautiful wife) and cousin Gray.  

My mom (middle) with two of her childhood "besties",
Patti (left) and Carla (right), who came in from Houston for the party! 

Patti, Patsy/Mom, Carla and Joules - all friends from Lamar High
in Houston, Texas - celebrating! 

Joe and Cindy McMullan, one of my high school best friend's parents,
who were always so kind to me in high school! 

The family!!!

Nurse Ruede, Garrett (Ann's dear friend from high school days),
Ann and her precious mini-me, Becca.  

Susan (Jim's wife) and Aunt LaVerne! 

The Fiances, Dorothy and Gray! 

Sam and our adopted son, Shaunie!  (Actually,
our old neighbor and Sam's great pal!)

Jim and the birthday boy

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