Saturday, June 8, 2013

More on Kipepeo! Is God calling YOU to help these women?

I haven't had a camera with me this past week, as Tim and Sam took it to Mombassa for his 13th birthday celebration.

So, I had no pictures of my own to post of the ladies in Kipepeo - just had to use what I could find on the internet.

Yesterday, Rachel emailed and sent me these photos - I love them and wanted to share them in this add-on post about this great ministry.

You can see some of the ladies I met that wonderful!  I wish I could show you all of them, but here are a few, anyway!

In these pics, I am learning how to make the paper.  It's a tedious process, but you'd never know it by watching the ladies work.  They think they're in heaven!  And in a way, they are.

The work environment is so happy, so full of JOY.  The ladies have fellowship with one another while they work, and they laugh, sing and talk all day long.  The work is hard and the day is long, but with friends by your side, and working in a safe environment, complete with a working toilet (yippee!) in their workplace for them all to use whenever they need it, and a CHAI (tea) break in the morning and afternoon...... this is a great place to work, indeed.

I am so grateful to already have two women who want to sell these cards, and two more who are praying about it.  How about you?  I'd love to have 10 ladies in the USA, in different areas, who want to start a new GREETING CARD CRAZE around our country with these cards.  You could even network together and set the price (of course, it has to at least meet our wholesale price - duh!), the way you sell, everything!

Please PRAY about this first and then let me know if you feel led to learn more about this possibility!

Is God calling you to help with this project?  Here are some verses to meditate on and pray through as you search God's heart for the poor and also seek His will for you and how you might begin to help HIS children.  It truly may not be that you should help with this project.  But for some who read this, it might be the way.  There are so many ways to help, and this is only one tiny one.  But please, do consider that we are blessed beyond measure and that God, like all good parents, love it when his children share.  If you don't help here, I encourage you to find somewhere to help those with less ...... you will be amazed to discover that you end up receiving more than you give.  

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