Friday, May 3, 2013

Some time away

Yesterday, Tim and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary.  21 years?  It seems like yesterday.  Doesn't 21 years together mean we must be ..... OLD?  No.  Couldn't be!  Yet, when we think back on all we've done and all we've experienced in these 21 years - 22 since we met - then we realize, "Yes, I guess it has been that long, and yes, I guess we just might be sort of, uh, oldish.

May 1 was a holiday in Rwanda, and so we used that opportunity to go to a lodge nearby for one night.  The kids were supportive of us going, even if they were a bit jealous of the fast internet we'd experience in the lobby of the lodge without them.  :)

We had such a wonderful time, relaxing and reminiscing about the years gone by and the times we've enjoyed together.  Even remembering the hard times brought joy, as we remembered the way God lovingly and loyally carried us through some very hard days.

Then, just an hour before our planned departure, a sudden stomach virus hit Tim hard and with no warning.  AT first, he thought he'd be okay to leave, but quickly we realized that wasn't going to happen.

The manager graciously offered to let us stay another night for free, and even offered a ride to the nearby hospital, which he assured us was "very good.  They have a wonderful new American doctor there, I hear."  I smiled and nodded and said, "I think you are talking about my husband.  He is the new doctor at Kibogora Hospital, but I'm afraid he cannot help himself right now too much!"

The manager's eyes opened so very wide, and then his face broke into such a huge grin, with the wrinkles around his eyes crinkling so as to make them look like little sparkling half moons.

We both enjoyed a good laugh at this, and I told him, "Well, I'm glad to know you recommend the hospital and my husband to your guests!"  He assured me that he did, and that he was so glad to know there was a good hospital nearby if ever he needed it.

This morning, Tim is feeling much better.  In fact, after just about 4 hours, he was resting in his bed last night, quite weak, but no worse for the wear.

We'll be going home in about an hour.  It will be good to see the kids and dogs again!

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