Saturday, May 18, 2013

Gordance, our friend

Gordance, a beautiful 16 year old patient in the hospital, regained hope that her leg might be saved two weeks ago.  

When we arrived at Kibogora last July, Gordance was one of the patients in the surgery ward.  She'd been there for seven months already, waiting and hoping that something could be done about the huge, gaping wound on her lower leg.  

Gordance has Osteomyelitis, like so many other children in this area.  Tim hoped at first that he could operate on her leg and save it, but for many reasons, he did not think it was safe to do so.  

She stayed at the hospital another five months, but finally had to go home.  At least the infection was under control, mostly gone, and her fevers had subsided. 

Meanwhile, a couple months ago, Francie and Carl came to the mission.  Carl is an orthopedic surgeon.  After much prayer and planning, and thanks to some extra equipment that Carl brought with him on his mission trip, they were able to finally operate on Gordance's leg.  Some people brought word to her in her village that another surgeon was here, a surgeon who maybe could help her.  

Gordance came back ~ it was such a sweet reunion to have her back in the hospital!  A few days later, Tim and Carl operated, and successfully removed a lot of dead bone from her leg, which will now enable new, healthy bone to grow in its place, and will also allow the infection to really be gone once and for all.  

In this mountainous country, we are so thankful that Gordance gets to keep both her legs.  And I am so grateful that she can now resume her primary job:  being a kid!  She can return to school, receive an education and enjoy life with her family and friends - all with both her legs.  

Thank you, God!  What a privilege it is to be here and help people like this in Jesus' name.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow I'm so glad she got an operation. I hope and pray she recovers well - she was a fixture on that ward for so long. God bless you for your work there.

    Best wishes,
    Mike Goodwin
