A sweet little boy has wormed his way into our hearts once again.
This one is Jule. I need to find an accent mark on my keyboard to place over the e. His name is pronounced: soft j, ooo, lay.
He is such a sweetie, but again, when he arrived at the hospital, you never would have noticed how very CUTE and ADORABLE he is!
He had a fever, but was mainly admitted for malnutrition. He was in the hospital for 15 days with NO caregiver present. He was just left there. Alone. At 6. We didn't meet him until his 10th day, because he was admitted while we were still in the USA.
Turns out, he has no parents. His mom became pregnant with him as a teen, and her boyfriend dumped her when he discovered her condition.
Sounds just like a story from the usa, doesn't it?
I guess things stay the same wherever you live.
This little guy, once he was fed, loved on, and given some fun things such as toy cars, a new blanket, some Beanie Babies and a ball......well, he just transformed. Now he is a bundle of energy and smiles and love and hugs!
We adore him, and once again, we are wishing we could take him home with us. We still don't know if we can adopt little Deste from the Congo. Now we want to take this one home, too.
The one problem with living here in Rwanda and working in this hospital is our hearts are broken every day. As much joy as working here brings, sorrow comes too. We bond with these kids, and then we have to say good-bye.
How could anyone NOT fall in love with this little pumpkin?
Hi, there! Love your blog and follow it frequently! We'll be visiting Kibogora Station for the day on Sunday Feb. 24th, along with a group of folks from FUMC Westborough, MA. We'd love to meet you all and say hi! If you'll be in church service that day, you'll hear our minister, Rev. John Wesley Taylor, preach. Feel free to email us if you like . . . theneil7@gmail.com.
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks for the unloved in this world. I am thankful you are Christ's hands in Jule's life. I pray God blesses Jule in a mighty way.